A Carton of Gardens for Urban Patios Everywhere

May 10, 2010 by

So you want to grow your own veggies but don’t have a garden, no problem! Garden in the Koop’s Patio Garden brings the garden to you in an egg carton filled with something for your patio, your deck or even the fire escape.

Included in the kit are six favorites that like smaller spaces including Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean, because it “took Jack straight up so it doesn’t need much room, just a bean pole!”

What’s in the box?
12 seed packs, soil, name tags and a “whole lot of love.”
Includes: Red Pear Tomato, Yellow Pear Tomato, French Breakfast Radish, Benning’s Green Tint Squash, Sweet Chocolate Pepper, Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean.

In the Koop’s Salad Box contains heirlooms such as Rouge D’Hiver and Red Leprechaun.

Garden in the Koop is housed in a reclaimed, two hundred foot chicken house on a historic farm. Their products are carefully observed by their “peaceable kingdom of goats, chickens, cats, dogs, an occasional skunk, the rabbits and of course the deer!” says the Koops owners, Laura the gardener, Peg the believer, Tim the earth steward, Marsha, the artist, Ray the creative hand, and Janet the ‘pied piper.’  “This is where we created the idea and where we grow some of the seeds.  Each box is packed, inspected and shipped from our chicken house.”


  1. Finding the Perfect Outdoor Patio Furniture | Outdoor Umbrella Stands Pingback said:

    […] A Carton &#959f Gardens f&#959r Urban Patios Everywhere | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking F&#959r… […]

    — May 21, 2010 @ 16:22

  2. Just Let Me Slip Something On Over My Balcony | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces Pingback said:

    […] a challenge making the most of a small urban balcony to allow room for planting as well as dining. German designer Christian Lessing’s multi-functional balcony wall system […]

    — February 8, 2011 @ 11:50

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