February 11, 2018

How about growing a meal a week in less than 100 square feet with a robot who manages your garden for you remotely?

Imagine sustainably growing food at home with a personal solar-powered smart robot gardener that will automatically irrigate, … Read More...
Category: Container Gardening, Finding, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Solar Energy, Square-Foot Gardening, Urban Agriculture
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September 15, 2013

Here’s how to create an urban garden in a snap. A couple of friends, a designer, and two “produce evangelists” from Portland, Oregon (where else, right?) have joined forces to develop a Lego-like modular system for making easy-to-assemble raised beds… Read More...
Category: Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Edible Landscaping, Finding, Garden Design, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, No-Dig Gardening, Raised Beds, Reclaimed & Recycled, Square-Foot Gardening, Urban Agriculture
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July 22, 2013

Growing one’s own food is healthy and very popular today even for those living in the smallest of spaces. Some feel it’s just plain empowering to create one’s own sustenance. But when it comes to the planning and doing part–especially … Read More...
Category: Bulbs and Plants, Creating, Edible Landscaping, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Irrigation, No-Dig Gardening, Square-Foot Gardening, Urban Agriculture
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December 6, 2011

I’m so excited to share these hand picked eco-friendly and well designed goodies from my holiday wish list! I’ve selected mostly experiential gifts–creative things that your friends and family can do with their own hands. How about … Read More...
Category: Birds, Bees, and Butterflies, Books, Bulbs and Plants, Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Edible Landscaping, Finding, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Hydroponics, No-Dig Gardening, Square-Foot Gardening, Terrariums, Urban Agriculture, Vertical Gardens
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December 14, 2010

Lovi foldable wood trees, from 12″ to approximately 4ft at Lovi Shop (website lists retailers by country)
Here at Urban Gardens we’ve made our list and checked it twice…our 2010 gift list is here:

Put some “fun” in functional: Loose …
Category: Bulbs and Plants, Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Finding, Food & Entertaining, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Hydroponics, No-Dig Gardening, Square-Foot Gardening, Urban Agriculture
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