“Urban Gardens” Takes Root

April 18, 2009 by


Welcome to the launch of Urban Gardens! My interest in the subject began about eight years ago when I attended a professional design workshop with famed graphic designer Milton Glaser.  At the end of the week, our assignment was to, in 24 hours, come up with an editorial concept for, design, and mock-up a print magazine. We had to develop all the content, write the headlines, create a marketing plan, and a pitch to advertisers. Like all his prior students in the twenty years he’d taught this workshop, we all thought it was impossible, and like all those previous students, we too managed to accomplish this in those 24 hours.

At the time, I couldn’t find anything out there specifically for urban dwellers or those with limited garden spaces.  Sure, there were plenty of garden and home design magazines, but nothing specifically about urban gardens. I thought it was a great idea, and after what I felt to be a superb presentation, Glaser said, “That’s a terrible idea! Who would be interested in that? And who would want to advertise?” I responded with what I thought to be a vast target audience, long list of benefits, and described all the possible potential advertising opportunities–everything from the obvious array of plants and garden paraphernalia–tools, containers, and outdoor furniture, to the newer subject at that time–green design, trends, and eco-conscious products.


I parked the idea for years until I recently revisited it in the form of this blog. So, here, I present you with Urban Gardens:  Unlimited Thoughts for Limited Spaces.  It’s my goal to link you to the latest innovative and eco-conscious designs, trends, and ideas for the stylish urban garden. In addition, I will explore and showcase what’s out there in the urban garden universe–from community gardens experimenting with edible landscaping to guerilla gardeners transforming derelict abandoned properties into lush, or at least, provocative garden spaces. 

I hope you will consider subscribing either by email (which will remain private, for our eyes only) or by RSS feed so you can receive the latest and greatest Urban Garden updates.  On the right side of the page you will see a link inviting you to submit a link, an idea or a story.  I welcome your comments and suggestions and look forward to connecting with you!


  1. Tony said:

    Hi Robin,

    Great website so far, I am new to blogging as well. Can you please contact me via email please.


    — April 20, 2009 @ 21:26

  2. Alison Kerr said:

    Nice photos. What kind of urban garden space do you have?

    — April 20, 2009 @ 21:35

  3. Robin said:

    Hi Alison–I actually have a smallish sub-urban garden, but the blog’s really about any small space gardening, outdoors or indoors. I’m a city girl at heart, and my interest in urban design and the environment led me here.
    Glad you liked the photos–I took those in Paris, where I always find such interesting and often quirky things!

    — April 20, 2009 @ 21:43

  4. Robin said:

    Hi Tony–Thanks for the positive feedback! I see you are also a newbie at this, congratulations. Your blog looks interesting, maybe you’d like to guest blog on mine about planting things.

    — April 20, 2009 @ 21:45

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