Honey, I’m Home! High Hives for Urban Beekeepers
May 22, 2009 by Robin Plaskoff Horton
Beekeeping is illegal in New York City where honeybees are considered “wild and ferocious animals.” Are urban beekeepers outlaws? Those who comprise the anonymous group of urban beekeepers in the Big Apple would not be forced to keep their endeavors secret if they practiced their nectar harvesting in Chicago, Dallas, Boston, San Francisco, or Portland. Chicago, which has beehives on top of City Hall, is among those cities actively promoting beekeeping for pollinator health. In 2007, The National Academy of Sciences reported major losses in managed bee colonies. Bees are in danger of extinction due to a number of threats including disease, habitat destruction and alteration, pesticides, and climate change. At stake is roughly a third–or about $15 billion annually–of our country’s food that is not benefitting from the necessary pollination provided by bees.
According to Bee Culture magazine, of its 12,000 readers, 15% live in cities with more than 100,000 people. From the magazine’s surveys, they estimate there are about 75,000 hobbyist beekeepers in the United States.
Current interest in locally grown, organic, and low-impact city living is inspiring people to explore methods of producing their own food, even if it’s that’s just on a postage stamp size city terrace, balcony, or, as in the case of some who make it a business, on a rooftop. David Graves risks a $2000 fine for maintaining the many beehives he tends in city skies atop buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and The Bronx. His rooftop honey, labeled by neighborhood, is a favorite find at his stand, Berkshire Berries at the Union Square Greenmarket. Where Graves was once a loner in the city’s honey trade, he is now one of several who belong to The New York City Beekeeping Meet-up, started by fellow urban beekeeper, John Howe of Fort Greene.
Take a look at this video for a glimpse into the overhead yet underground world of urban beekeeping:
For more information: Beekeeper Andrew Coté, beekeeper71@gmail.com , seeks rooftops or other areas that could accommodate hives. Also consider swarming your local representatives to share your thoughts about following in the buzz of other great cities by making urban beekeeping legal.
The Future’s Looking Up on a Rooftop Farm | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces Pingback said:
[…] farm also has an apiary to help pollinate and spread the […]
— June 12, 2009 @ 15:57
Calling All Do-It-Yourself Gardeners: Enter Garden Contest to Win Indoor Composter | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces Pingback said:
[…] submissions received to date, you can learn to make your own seed tapes, construct a beehive from a computer case, recycle a used 1×8 into a wooden ladybug house, make a seed organizer […]
— June 18, 2009 @ 13:14
As of March 15, 2010, beekeeping is no longer illegal in New York City! To end your status as an outlaw, simply file a paper with the Department of Health. Really! No more $2,000 fines. Contact the Gotham City Beekeepers Association and they will tell you all about it.
— April 4, 2010 @ 12:42
Top 10 Urban Gardens Stories of 2009 - Urban Gardens Pingback said:
[…] 2. Honey I’m Home! High Hives for Urban Beekeepers […]
— June 16, 2015 @ 11:23
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— March 21, 2025 @ 15:39