Artful Garden Tools Perform in Your Garden

December 23, 2009 by

Green Piece, art installation, Michael Johansson, 2009

Function may follow form in this case, but who cares. I don’t know if all of the component garden tools and equipment of this piece actually work, but I think the idea is very cool.


Imagine if you could easily carry and transport all you needed in a compact gardening equipment cube like this one by Swedish artist Michael Johansson, then put it all back together so it fits nicely and compactly into your less-than-generously sized digs. In the meantime, enjoy this piece of green.



  1. Risa Edelstein said:

    Where do you find such great ideas!!! I love this and would love to have one that holds all of my tools.

    — December 23, 2009 @ 18:14

  2. Christine B. said:

    I’m wishing I could see all the component parts. It’s great idea and artful too.

    Christine in Alaska

    — December 23, 2009 @ 20:18

  3. Flowers said:

    It was nice to go through the Artful Garden Tools Perform in Garden. The are the most important requirement for gardening. Keep up the good work.

    — December 24, 2009 @ 04:28

  4. Tools Specialist said:

    This Artful Garden Tools is a good idea for those who want to make a mini garden in their backyard, and I’m one of them so thanks so much for this idea!

    — September 27, 2021 @ 11:34

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