Echos of Eco in Mexico City’s Vertical Park

January 9, 2010 by


They paved paradise then put up a…vertical park.

Mexican architect Jorge Hernandez de la Garcia has designed a modular, highly structural and flexible vertical park intended to help reduce pollution and deal with overpopulation issues. The tower utilizes vertically stacked solar panels and scatters gardens inside throughout the structure. Located in Coyoacan, Mexico City, the project is to revive, as the architect puts it, “the calcification of modernity.”


The building will not only provide residential and office space, but will also include areas designated for urban farming, water reclamation, and solar energy collection.  As the modules rise vertically to create a high-rise structure, they also spread horizontally in order to create canopies for street level commerce.  To provide a more sustainable response to the potential demands of the city, the spaces can be rearranged, relocated, and remodeled throughout Mexico City and potentially throughout the world.


  1. Eco Mama said:

    Very cool. Your blog rules, love it!!!
    Eco Mama

    — January 9, 2010 @ 16:43

  2. Robin said:

    Thanks Eco Mama and all my readers who write such nice things! Appreciate each and one of you and all of your exchanges.

    — January 9, 2010 @ 17:42

  3. Garden Beet said:

    Green walls are evolving – great thanks for the update

    — January 10, 2010 @ 03:21

  4. Cool Garden Things said:

    But why did they pave paradise in the first place…?

    — January 10, 2010 @ 12:54

  5. Agen Bola said:

    This is great â?? umbrella stands are unwieldy and ugly â?? this is so much better!

    — August 17, 2012 @ 02:54

  6. Jeromeboymn said:

    dang nh?p alo789: dang nh?p alo789 – dang nh?p alo789

    — March 21, 2025 @ 16:58

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