Put Some Sizzle in Your Herb Garden
February 3, 2011 by Robin Plaskoff Horton
Get cookin’ with the Hot-Pot combination herb garden and barbecue grill that lets you grow your herbs on the top to season the food you cook on the concealed grill below.
Great BBQ for Small Terraces and Balconies
Pretty nifty for small urban outdoor spaces: it poses as a terra cotta planter then reveals itself as a bbq when you lift off the top.
Made from stainless steel with a heat insulating ceramic coating, the Hot-Pot has an 11.5 inch cooking surface and includes stainless steel tongs.
Available for $124 in May from Black + Blum.
Tweets that mention Put Some Sizzle in Your Herb Garden | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces -- Topsy.com Pingback said:
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by nochintz, Urban Gardens and Urban Gardens, Steve Bustin. Steve Bustin said: RT @urbangardens: Put Some Sizzle in Your Herb Garden http://goo.gl/fb/tN13n #containersandpots #finding #foodentertaining #greatfinds […]
— February 3, 2011 @ 13:36
Love your small space garden shares…Annie
— February 4, 2011 @ 11:54
am curious to know there is enough space in the growing compartment of the bbq for that lavender-looks like the root ball would be far too big? nice space saving device though!
— February 7, 2011 @ 20:19
Exterior Motives: Indoor/Outdoor Design Trends | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces Pingback said:
[…] gardens. Multipurpose furniture like chairs that do double duty as lighting are becoming popular. Black & Blum’s Hot Pot, a combination herb pot and grill which we featured in an earlier post, is a good example of one […]
— May 19, 2011 @ 17:05
Tak til deling ..!
— August 14, 2012 @ 08:06
am curious to know there is enough space in the growing compartment of the bbq for that lavender-looks like the root ball would be far too big? nice space saving device though!
— August 17, 2012 @ 02:17
Road Trip! Northwest Arkansas Roadside Barbecue, Ghosts, and Gardens - Urban Gardens Pingback said:
[…] plate and one pulled pork. The pork was moist, but the chicken required a generous dousing of barbecue sauce, which Anita was ready to […]
— June 18, 2015 @ 18:42
Road Trip in Arkansas! Roadside BBQ, Ghosts & Gardens Pingback said:
[…] plate and one pulled pork. The pork was moist, but the chicken required a generous dousing of barbecue sauce, which Anita was ready to […]
— June 19, 2015 @ 16:07