Urban Gardens 2014 Holiday Gift Guide
December 3, 2014 by Robin Plaskoff Horton
Drumroll! It’s that time of year and we’re excited to present our 2014 holiday gift guide, a curated list of 12 fun, functional, and fashionable items for home and garden. Have you been naughty or nice? No matter, we’re not judging. Go ahead, treat yourself too. You deserve it.
1. Unfolding Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
How does your garden grow? Very easily. Unfold the bag. Set it in a flat and sunny place where it can drain. Fill it with soil and fertilizer/compost, then plant veggies, herbs, berries, or flowers. Made from reusable, durable, UV-resistant woven polyurethane fabric which offers great drainage and root aeration while retaining moisture. Great for small spaces. Three sizes and colors from $24.99-44.99 at The Little Acre.
2. Compact Modular Garden Tool Kit
Aspiring and seasoned gardeners alike, as well as DIYers, will covet this all-in-one modular garden tool kit. Small space? No problem. Here’s the skinny on this sleek, space-saving design: Inside the compact, lightweight and water-resistant storage case are 32 easy-to-use, industrial-strength tools. A simple connector system self-aligns each tool for assembly in seconds, while interchangeable tool heads and a long handle extender let you mix and match handle lengths for the most common tools–Spade Shovel, Flathead Shovel, Metal Garden Rake and Heavy Duty Push Broom. $349 retail, but RedHed is offering $100 off with coupon code RHCHR14. at RedHed.
3. Metal Urban Garden Trolley
Talk about smitten. I love this steel trolley’s modern design. Lightweight yet durable, Herstera’s perfect for urban settings: simple to assemble and rolls out of the way on two stylish wooden wheels. It’s got just the right amount of soil depth for growing vegetables, herbs and flowers on your patio, deck, or balcony with an extra table below for storing garden tools, or anything really. Available in four colors, $179 from Eartheasy.
4. The Bees Needs
The tiny, busy mason bee rarely stings, which makes it a great garden companion. Mason bees also outperform their honey bee cousins in pollinating spring and summer fruits, nuts, and flowers which means you can grow more food and ornamentals. Pictured is the Cottage Mason or Leafcutter Bee House ($39.95) made of western red cedar with keyhole in back for easy mounting. Consider raising your own gentle mason bees with a complete kit which includes everything you need. Complete kits from Crown Bees, $54.95-179.95. Get 10% off until 12/25 with coupon code: Ilovebees.
5. Pith+Vigor Garden Magazine
This is a publication for people with dirt under their nails, says Rochelle Greyer, my friend, admired fellow design writer, and publisher of Pith+Vigor. Conceived to share the “grit and beauty” of gardening, Greyer’s new digital quarterly magazine and–printed!–full color tabloid-sized publication serves up a visual feast of seductive artwork and photography combined with down-to-earth writing you will actually want to read. I’m in, are you? 1 year subscription of four issues mailed directly includes full online access: $32 to US, $42 to Canada, $52 International.
6. Small Space Vertical Garden System
All you need is a post to grow vertically on a deck, patio, balcony, fence, or even mailbox post using My Garden Post’s Planter with Drip Irrigation. Think vegetables, flowers, and herbs nearly all year long with five planters within 4 vertical square feet. The integrated drip irrigation system makes it almost effortless to maintain. The complete 5 ft 4 inch tall system includes three small (10″ wide x 6″ high) and two large (15″ wide x 9″ high) durable UV-resistant plastic planters with functional drain holes. Post and base are mounted on five sturdy casters (1 locks) making it easy to move, and it comes with drain hole plugs for indoor use. To see how it works, check out this video about My Garden Post. Available in Hunter Green and Terra Cotta. Special $129 Urban Gardens Gift Guide Offer (28% off with coupon code: MGP28Promo–a $50 savings.)
7. Son of a Beech! Trook Slingshot
Handcrafted by my friend, UK designer/maker, Geoffrey Fisher, the Trook Slingshot is perfect for illicit acts of guerrilla gardening like launching seed bombs. But nota bene–it is not a toy and should be used with care. The sibling to Fisher’s Trook (which I first featured in 2011), the artist whittles his slingshots from the wood of fallen branches foraged near his Buckinghamshire studio. To each piece, Fisher attaches a handwritten tag indicating the variety of tree and where it was found, including a tidbit of historical trivia about the location. Of no historical signifigance whatsoever, much of Fisher’s material comes from nearby Horton Wood–no relation to me but nonetheles a fun factoid to share with you. $42 online in the US at Flora Grubb, £25.00 via Geoffrey Fisher Design. Other stocklists.
8. Garda Dibble Seed Planting Tool
You may say dibblers and I may say dibbers, but both are names for a centuries-old implement used to prepare the soil for planting. Just grab, press, and plant with Garda Dibble™ and presto change-o you are making straight, evenly-spaced holes for sowing seeds in small urban gardens, suburban plots, raised beds, containers, square-foot patches, and even salad tables. Removable pegs let you customize spacing and create neat rows to maximize your planted area. And it’s so pretty in red. $19.99 at Garda Dibble.
9. Manure Tea Party
Waitasec. These are not teas to serve your guests with cookies. Authentic Haven Brand Manure Teas are my friend Annie Haven’s line of all-natural, premium composted manure tea soil conditioners. For home gardeners, landscapers, and farmers, the teas are an organic alternative to damaging, expensive, and toxic chemical fertilizers. Packaged in all-natural cotton tea bags, Authentic Haven Brand uses manure from livestock raised on permanent, native grass pastures at the Haven Family Ranch in Murrieta, California. Choose from natural brew cow or horse manure teas, alfalfa for roses, or an assortment pack of all three varieties. 3-pack ($12.95) or 9-pack ($27.95) available at Authentic Haven Brand. (Inquire about international shipping.)
10. Orbit Hanging Planter
Love at first height. That’s what I thought when I saw these planters at Potted in Los Angeles. An original Potted design, the Orbit is happy suspended 18″ as a hanging planter, but looks swell too as planted centerpiece (minus the hanger.) Group several Orbits in varying lengths to create a chandelier effect. Use your imagination. You’ll see how Potted’s owner/designers have used theirs if you ever get the chance to visit this uber-cool store. Once there, you’ll find many cool things curated by former art director and set decorator, Mary Gray, and Annette Goliti Gutierrez, a one-time screenwriter with a love for renovating homes and gardens. If you can’t make it to the store, they’ll send one to you. $95 in dove gray or white at Potted’s online shop.
11. Bungalows and Cafés for Bees and Birds
Artist duo, Jennifer Gilbert Asher and Mario Lopez, refer to their TerraTrellis collection as functional sculpture. A perfect description of the handmade pieces produced in TerraSculpture’s Los Angeles studio. Inspired by nature, the trellis line includes a series of hybrid pieces which combine living art for the garden with habitats for urban and suburban wildlife. The Bird Bungalow offers a stylish nesting space for feathered friends, while the Bee Bungalow serves as a dwelling for mason bees who pollinate the garden including the vines, climbers, perennials and edibles that can grow inside, behind, and around the supporting trellises. Birds may happily dine at The Bird Café, a modern bird feeder that works with or wothout the Akoris Garden Tuteur to create a stylishly sustainable garden eco-system. Bird and Bee Bungalows and Café in natural steel oxide finish are available with and without trellis base (in seven colors from $95-379) at TerraTrellis.
12. Sustainable Hardwood Planter and Aeonium Sunburst
I love MODgreen, a new kid on the hardwood planter block who makes modern vessels from sustainable exotic woods. Shown here in a domestic walnut pot, the Aeonium Sunburst (native from the Canary Islands) is a xeriscaping jewel. The plant enjoys bright light and needs water only once a month, and when it’s dormant in summer, requires even less water. $24.95 from MODgreen.
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