Smart Gardening Tool For Newbie Urban Gardeners

January 13, 2016 by


So you suddenly find yourself at the intersection of knowing and growing, an urban purlieu where creativity, knowledge, and gardening meet. 2015 Red Dot Award-winning design concept, New Zealand industrial design student Alex Hofmans-Walter’s Planter is a seed dispensergardening tool-app that offers the newbie gardener a chance to look smart and grow smart.


The user purchases a themed starter kit complete with the seed dispensing tool, growing instructions, three medium-sized pots, potting mix, a themed set of seed compartments, and even recipes for post-cultivation cooking. Perfect for small city spaces, the kit’s compact design requires little to no storage space, and as it’s also aimed at reducing the need for pesticides and fertilizers–it’s a win-win for apartment dwellers and for Mother Earth.

Planter offers novice gardeners everything they need to grow a small amount of produce for use in their limited corners of kitchen space. You could call it counter-intuitive.


The seed dispenser tool not only guides users in measuring how deep to place the seeds, it almost gardens automatically.  By pushing the dispenser down into the soil, going only as far as the bottom of the tool, the user creates divots for the seeds, then simply lifts and squeezes the tool to release a seed pellet.

The dispenser is pre-loaded with seed compartments containing pre-packaged and ready to use seed pellets. When not in use, the seeds get stored inside the starter kit package.


The knowledge part? First off, there’s no guessing or second-guessing about what to do as the user can refer to growing information provided right on the side of each seed compartment. But besides offering the user a learning experience during the cultivation process, Planter comes with an app to help to keep the newbie gardener motivated and smart throughout the growing stages. The smart app pushes out notifications about watering, steps for optimizing growing conditions, and recipes for what to cook post-harvest with each plant.

No excuses for not growing at least a few of the things you eat in your tiny city digs.

h/t Yanko Design.


1 Comment »

  1. Jeromeboymn said:

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    — March 21, 2025 @ 13:13

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