How to Create a Beautiful Garden (Even If You Don’t Have Time to Care For It)

October 20, 2015


ornamental-grasses-urbangardenswebPhoto:© Kool Cats Photography, via Flickr.

Some say that there are two types of gardener: the true gardener and the tidy gardener. The true gardener has the time, patience and knowledge to care for a garden on a long-term Read More...

Indoor & Underground Urban Farms Growing in Size and Number

October 18, 2015

mirai-indoor-plant-factory-urbangardenswebMirai urban plant factory. Via Mirai.

What claims to be the world’s largest indoor vertical farm will soon begin production in Newark, New Jersey. Once it is fully operating, the 69,000-square-foot AeroFarms headquarters is slated produce up to 2 million Read More...

Guide to Farmers Markets: Benefits Beyond the Plate


The following article by Robin Plaskoff Horton and reposted from

Both casual cooks and celebrity chefs flock to their local farmers markets to avail themselves of the freshest locally grown produce straight from the farm. In addition to Read More...

Guerrilla Gardening Idea Brewed For Starbucks

October 12, 2015


Can you imagine jump starting your morning with a fresh cuppa Joe and a guerrilla gardening seed kit?


For Starbucks, designer Freddie Jordan envisioned the SeedPod, a conceptual guerrilla gardening kit that would promote the coffee chain’s sustainable policy. The … Read More...

Hybrid Art Project Creates Symbiosis Between Plants and Computers

September 24, 2015


Throughout much of history, art and science have co-existed in a symbiotic and synergistic relationship. Inquiry, experimentation, and observation lead to creative works in both the studio and the laboratory. A modern-day example of this melding of the … Read More...

PARK(ing) Day Turns Parking Spaces Into Parklets

September 18, 2015


What began in 2005 as a local art project designed to call attention to the need for more open urban social spaces, PARK(ing) Day has become an annual global event which now engages local communities in rethinking the way they Read More...

Farm-to-Table Communities Create Sustainable Suburban “AgriHoods”

September 17, 2015


Where you live is the foundation of your lifestyle. Urban areas lend themselves to a lifestyle of social interaction, cultural events, career climbing, and because of limited space, world-building that includes what’s outside of the home more than what’s inside.Read More...

Guerrilla Architecture: Hacktivist Urban Housing

September 4, 2015

Rebel-Architecture-Guerrilla-Architect_domuswebHacked space by Santiago Cirugeda. Via Al Jazeera.

Guerrilla architecture is a social movement aimed at bringing awareness and responsibility to urban housing design. It’s focused on reclaiming and utilizing underused space that is available to everyone. Like their guerrilla Read More...

Reclaiming Urban Spaces: Modular Micro-City On Parisian Bridge

September 2, 2015


Parisian Architect Stéphane Malka addresses the economic inequities inherent in urbanization in a concept that re-imagines how people might live in today’s mobile world–in this case, hanging off the side of the Pont Neuf bridge in Paris.


Malka thinks people …

Fiskars Project Orange Thumb Grant Recipient: Washington Shores Community Garden

August 29, 2015


Since we posted earlier about the Fiskars Project Orange Thumb community gardens grant program, thirty grant recipients in the U.S. and Canada have begun using their awards to bring their garden plans to fruition.


One of those grant recipients was

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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