Growing Food In a Plug-In Urban Farm Pod

January 19, 2016


What if you could grow your own food in the city on a farm that automatically cultivated and harvested the food for you? That’s the vision of the designers of the “living” Urban Farm Pod, a new concept for grow Read More...

Smart Gardening Tool For Newbie Urban Gardeners

January 13, 2016


So you suddenly find yourself at the intersection of knowing and growing, an urban purlieu where creativity, knowledge, and gardening meet. 2015 Red Dot Award-winning design concept, New Zealand industrial design student Alex Hofmans-Walter’s Planter is a seed dispenserRead More...

Plantscaping With Modular Urban Planters

December 21, 2015

Plantscape Modular Urban Planters

Borrowing stylistically from post-Soviet architecture, Russian industrial designer Maxim Scherbakov’s modular Plantscape explores the concept of plants surviving in environments unsuitable for plant life.

Plantscape Modular Urban Planters
Modular Planters
Plantscape Modular Urban Planters

Created with Alexey Galkin, co-designer at their St. Petersburg studio Plan-S23, Plantscape is a nod to the urban landscape where materials like … Read More...

Got Designs on Paris: What’s Trending at Maison & Objet 2016

December 15, 2015

paris_eiffel-towerPhoto: Robin Plaskoff Horton.

I’ve spent a good amount of time in Paris, one of my favorite cities. Paris just oozes style and even a casual stroll through the streets provides an abundance of impromptu design inspiration.

window_shopping_paris_dressWindow shopping by

Counter Culture: Back to The Roots Growing Kit



This holiday season turn your kitchen counter into an indoor farm.

The Growing Gift Set from Back to the Roots, whose aquaponic Water Garden we previously featured, contains their Organic Mushroom Farm, Water Garden fish tank, and Garden-in-a-Can for growing Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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