Portable Raised Bed Planter Elevates Mobile and Modular Urban Gardens

October 15, 2013


When you see them, don’t you just itch to turn some wasted urban spaces into lush green outdoor rooms and edible gardens? That must be what German design collective Thinking Hands thought when they designed Hochbeet, a raised bed planter … Read More...

Modular Vertical Garden System For Balconies Leans, Stands, and Hangs

October 8, 2013

pflsk modular vertical gardening system

Pflix is like a vertical garden doing yoga. Designer Christian Heufelder’s modular planting system has the kind of flexibility that I want after an hour of stretching.

pflsk modular vertical gardening system

Adaptive to even the most space deprived conditions, the system strikes a number … Read More...

Click n’ Grow Unveils Web-Based Smart Farm Project


Click n’ Grow, the smart planter we’ve featured before, just got smarter.

The micro-farming system already had electronic sensors operated with software to measure the plant’s needs and release precise amounts of fertilizer, air and water. But now they’ve got … Read More...

Stylish Combo Potting Table and Greenhouse With Integrated Rain Barrel

October 7, 2013


How charming is Watercabinet, a new potting table “station” for a small gardens, terraces, or balconies, that brings everything related to gardening together in one place? I love its integrated rain water collection system and mini greenhouse.


Like many …

How I Overcame My Fear of Bonsai

October 3, 2013

Photo via Art of Bonsai, by Nacho Marin, Caracas Venezuela

As a gardener, I know what I like and don’t like. Then there’s the middle gray area: the mysterious garden endeavors I might like, but I’d always been too freaked Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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