The Cleanest and Greenest Work Desk Grows Fresh Air

June 21, 2013


Inside a massive building on the outskirts of one of the world’s most polluted cities, the air is clean — all thanks to three plants and one man.


Kamal Meattle is an Indian researcher whose lung capacity became severely … Read More...

How to Create an Indoor-Outdoor Spa Sanctuary

June 12, 2013

Photo via our Pinterest page.

Imagine what it would be like to have an indoor-outdoor spa sanctuary, a place of peace and harmony, where the interior space flows seamlessly into the outdoors. It’s an indoor spa that has stepped outside … Read More...

Ten Futuristic Garden Tools

June 10, 2013


A slew of high-tech weapons could soon occupy home gardeners’ arsenals. From soil humidity sensors, to computer-generated growing tips, to weather detection devices, these contraptions challenge the notion that plants need a human touch.

Whether you’ve mastered indoor herbs, wrestled …

Hanging Kitchen Herb Garden Doubles as Light Fixture

June 3, 2013


Landscape designer, Thibaut Delefortrie, and product designer, Eugénie Pfeil, combined creative forces to bring the garden into the kitchen, a collaboration that resulted in Klorofyll, a suspended light fixture that doubles as a hanging kitchen garden for growing aromatic herbs.Read More...

How to Build Indoor Hydroponic Gardens Using IKEA Storage Boxes

June 1, 2013


Hey apartment and small space dwellers, here’s an easy DIY compact hydroponic indoor farm system you can make with repurposed off-the-shelf IKEA storage boxes.


ELIOOO is not a product, it’s architect and designer Antonio Scarponi’s cleverly conceived and designed instruction … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

Visit Robin Horton @UrbanGardens's profile on Pinterest.