Medicinal Plants Climb Walls of Paris Pharmacy

February 20, 2014


MaPharmacie is a Paris pharmacy of a greener kind. On the exterior, the standard green flashing cross which represents French pharmacies, belies what’s inside. Tinctures and capsules appear to float on living walls of medicinal plants, all reflected in mirrors Read More...

Rendezvous in Green: Botanical Tiled Vertical Garden

February 19, 2014

Tiles 1

Add this botanical tiled vertical garden space to the list of wonderful places to sneak off to for an afternoon rendezvous. I think a comfy mattress on the interior platform would be just the place for a nap en plein Read More...

Grow and Glow: Hydroponic Planter Doubles as Fashionable Light Fixture

February 15, 2014


Here is an instance where size doesn’t matter. The size of your dwelling that is. Hanging from the ceiling, Spice-Versa grows herbs upside-down, growing and glowing as both a hydroponic planter and lamp. If you’ve got room for a light Read More...

Going With the Flow: Stylish Designer Tabletop Hydroponic Planter

February 14, 2014


For space deprived design lovers who yearn to grow some of their own food, this contemporary designer tabletop hydroponic planter fits the bill. 

Challenged with reinterpreting an existing DIY planter project, design student Blake Burell created Hydropod, a sleek countertop … Read More...

Design Journey: 10 Fab Pinterest Indoor and Outdoor Garden Finds

February 3, 2014

green wall italyBy Logica:architettura, found on the Pinterest board of Justin DiPiero Interior Designer, SCAD alumnus

I took a virtual design tour of visual discovery to see what Pinterest indoor and outdoor garden finds offered unique ideas and inspiration. Join me Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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