Végétagère Modular Container Gardening System by Frédéric Malphettes

September 14, 2013


Végétagère, a hybrid plant trellis shelving system composed of modular wood shelves with openings to accept stackable vegetable fiber pots, debuted at last spring’s Jardins Jardin, the edgy urban garden design show in Paris’s Tuilleries Gardens.


Parisian designer Frédéric Malphettes

Voilà! Modular Planter System From France

September 3, 2013


I love how French brand Booa’s modular cube planters let container gardeners do for outdoor space what fashion designers have always done so well: combine a number of elements to create a complete cohesive look.


Booa low planters feature hidden …

Hang Out on the Balcony With Combo Planter and Table

September 1, 2013


Hanging out on the balcony just got easier, more stylish, and infinitely more fun with BalKonzept, a sleek space-saving combination planter and table that fits perfectly over the balcony railing.



Reserve limited floor space for seating, as the multi-tasking BalKonzept … Read More...

Farm Kitchen Blends Micro-Agriculture and Design at London’s 100% Design

August 30, 2013

Mood board by The Farm Kitchen’s designers, Mette.

As a testament to the prevailing interest in countertop gardening and indoor farming, a conceptual kitchen environment showcasing micro-agriculture will be a key feature at this year’s 100% Design 2013 during the … Read More...

Floating Gardens, Giant Chalkboards, and Climbing Walls on Banks of Seine in Paris

August 12, 2013

Photo: Mairie de Paris.

Paris is transforming an utterly urban area along the River Seine to a cleaner, greener space. A new Left Bank promenade called the Berges de Seine (Banks of the Seine) was unveiled last month, and is … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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