Farmerettes: Women Who Farmed and Gardened for Victory

May 15, 2018

Farmerettes, the Women Who Farmed and Gardened for Victory


They were known as “farmerettes”–the hard-working women on the home front who mobilized by the thousands to fill agricultural labor shortages during the First and Second World Wars. On big farms and in small Victory Gardens, they challenged conventional Read More...

These Six Urban Farms Creatively Transform Disused Spaces

February 2, 2018

Pasona, via Kona Design.

Ever tried growing rice at work? A Japanese company did. The Pasona Group, not only produced a bounty of nutritious food, they’ve also helped reap a healthy profit — and they aren’t farmers.

As urban populations

An Empty Swimming Pool Transformed Into an Urban Permaculture Farm

August 26, 2017

Ever seen an empty swimming pool and thought, “Gee, what else could I do with this eyesore?” Me neither. But Dennis and Danielle McClung, the founders of Garden Pool, had a novel idea. After buying a foreclosed home in Mesa, Read More...

“Vegitecture” Project Brings Vertical Farming to Paris Suburb

July 5, 2017

In the Parisian suburb of Romainville, a vertical farming project will transform the concept of urban agriculture in a “vegitecture” complex whose small production loop will enable residents to buy produce directly from their local urban farm.

In a …

Guided Instagram Tour of the Global Urban Garden

June 12, 2017

Paris, Stockholm, Barcelona, Brooklyn, Winston-Salem, Los Angeles…In my visits across the country and abroad, I’ve experienced some compelling imagery and special moments that have captured my soul with their intriguing visual details.

The New Nordic Cuisine
The luscious beet, perched …

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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