Urban Gardens Holiday Gift Guide

November 16, 2020




After finally getting released from what felt like a lifetime of lockdown, I desperately need to celebrate something. So for whatever and whomever you celebrate, indoors or out, here is my holiday gift guide with handpicked stylish, functional, Read More...

AI Platform Turns Empty Office Spaces Into Smart Urban Vertical Farms

September 2, 2020

As the global pandemic continues with many people still working from home, large amounts of urban office space remain empty. To offset consequential disruptions to the food supply chains, a group of Finnish digital agtech entrepreneurs has come up with


How To Choose The Best Container Garden Pot For Each Plant

August 12, 2020

Garden pots and planters come in a lot of sizes, shapes, styles and materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Whether yours is a small urban container garden or one that’s part of a large suburban patio, when it … Read More...

All About Thatch: Why, How, and When to Dethatch a Lawn

August 7, 2020

Randy Fath, Upsplash.


With more time spent homebound these days, many folks are bringing their laptops outside, turning their gardens and yards into outdoor offices. An uneven, spotty, and not-so-green lawn isn’t such a pretty sight but this forced … Read More...

A Hidden Greenhouse Garden in Mexico City Abandoned Factory

July 30, 2020

A Hidden Greenhouse Garden in Mexico City Abandoned Factory

Hidden within a 6.4-acre botanical garden in Mexico City’s Santa Marîa la Ribera district lies an abandoned factory transformed into as a vast greenhouse garden filled with aromatic native plants.

A Hidden Greenhouse Garden in Mexico City Abandoned Factory

Hidden Greenhouse Garden in Mexico City Abandoned Factory

The disused space is on the grounds of the botanical … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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