An Ephemeral Garden of Decomposing Books

February 12, 2013


Within pages of the literary canon, gardens endure for eternity. Think Romeo and Juliet’s garden of the Capulet or the orchard garden in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.

And literature grows into a garden inside a forested area at Les Jardins Read More...

User-Designed Table Using Recycled Wine Bottles

January 30, 2013



In part a celebration of the social aspects of wine, Brazilian designer Tati Guimarães created Dvinus as an interactive user experience that forces one to contemplate reusing otherwise disposable objects for a sustainable design.


Dvinus is a collection of …

Farm School NYC Seeds Local Urban Food System

January 29, 2013

Next generation of urban farmers and food justice leaders.

Within New York City’s approximately 305 square mile radius and amid its vast stretches of concrete and high rises, there is a school without borders whose mission is to cultivate modern-day Read More...

Telling Time Using Potatoes and Soil

January 25, 2013

Remember the old science class project making clocks operated by potatoes? You can do the same thing with mud–either from scratch, from a kit, or with a ready-made clock.

Essentially, the potatoes and the mud work like a battery. A … Read More...

Modular Compact Green Roof System

January 22, 2013


Conventional ‘roll out’ green roof systems are not feasible for certain roof conditions. Some systems are bulky, built like mattresses, require specialized teams to measure and survey the site, can be difficult to retrofit, and require at least two experienced Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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