From Cargo Beds to Flower Beds: Japanese Pop-Up Gardens Keep on Truckin’

July 25, 2018

Gardens on four wheels? Some mobile gardens are on casters for portability and to chase the sun, others are traveling green roofs on the tops of busses and vans, and still others sprout in the backs of trucks.

Every year …

26 Last Minute Home and Garden Mother’s Day Gifts

May 8, 2018

It’s not too late to celebrate your cultivated Mom with these last minute Mother’s Day gardening gifts for the gardener!

1. Monticello Gardener’s Gift Basket
From the shop of Thomas Jefferson’s plantation residence, Monticello, comes this artfully arranged keepsake basket … Read More...

A Barcelona Rooftop Sanctuary Inspired By Japanese Art

April 21, 2018

For a rooftop terrace in Barcelona’s Horta district, landscape designers Jordi Sanchez and Nico Doblado of Simbiosi Studi created a unique outdoor sanctuary with a retro aesthetic influenced by Japanese art.

Sanchez and Doblado’s plan interpreted the expressed interests of Read More...

The Storied History and Enduring Life of Terra Cotta

February 26, 2018

 Contemporary terra cotta pot from Eye of the Day Garden Center.

You’ve likely strolled through garden centers stocked with hundreds of ubiquitous terra cotta nursery flower pots in the usual shapes and sizes. 
But did you know that this simple

The Rise of Urban Vertical Forests

July 15, 2017

Vertical forests–living , breathing skyscrapers enveloped in trees, shrubs, and flowering plants–can, like the one’s featured above, absorb 25 tons of carbon dioxide annually and produce roughly 60 kilograms of oxygen daily, while also promoting local urban biodiversity.

Milan-based Stefano

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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