8 Trend-Setting European Urban Garden Designers and Horticulturalists

December 5, 2013

Luciano Giobbilei project in Barcelona.

Urban gardening is on the increase.  And no more so than in Europe, where some remarkable talents are driving many of the world’s urban gardening trends.

Urban Gardens sponsor, Elspeth Briscoe, founder of MyGardenSchool (formerly Read More...

5 Acts of Guerrilla Gardening to Inspire Your Inner Urban Guerrilla Gardener

November 9, 2013

Guerrilla Gardening on manhole for Pansy Project
Punched in Manchester.

Guerrilla gardeners around the world are planting political statements or small urban street art exhibitions, and some are just in it to encourage guerrilla gardening everywhere:

1. Guerrilla Gardener Plants Human Rights Statements
Driven by a …

Travels to New York City Via Instagram

October 21, 2013



It may be my backyard, but whenever I’m in New York City I like to view it as though I’m visiting it for the first time. Join me on a visual and virtual journey to one of my favorite cities. … Read More...

Artist Spins a Yarn With Parisian Street Art

July 28, 2013


Move over perpetrators of urban graffiti, yarn and Lego bombing, and even the pothole gardener!  

Artist Juliana Santacruz Herrera wove a tale in the streets of Paris to call attention to the city’s many potholes in need of repair.




Herrera …

SeedTabs Get You Growing With Your Morning Coffee

May 16, 2013


Grab your morning cup of coffee, then toss some seeds on your way to work. San Francisco company SeedTabs is collaborating with local java spots to sell little folded packets of organic seeds they hope will inspire people to spread … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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