Garden Design’s New Perennial Movement

April 21, 2014

Trentham Estate by Piet Oudolf Tod MangreenAn example of the New Perennial Movement style the Trentham Estate was designed by Piet Oudolf. Photo by Tod Mangreen

Have you been to the High Line in New York City? Or the Lurie Garden in Chicago? Have you admired Read More...

The High Line: Manhattan’s Elevated Garden Park

April 7, 2014

High Line CU Mixed Border Steven SeveringhausA perennial combination along the walking path of the High Line. Photo by Steven Severinghaus.

Unlike Central Park or Prospect Park, the High Line has no swaths of grass, no baseball fields, and no pond. In contrast to most urban Read More...

Japanese Commuters Tending Train Station Rooftop Gardens

March 27, 2014

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Oh how dreadful that morning commute can be. Even with the help of podcasts, books, game apps, 16 gigs of music– it can still be a soul draining bore. Good news! Japan may have come up with a cure to Read More...

Rendezvous in Green: Botanical Tiled Vertical Garden

February 19, 2014

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Add this botanical tiled vertical garden space to the list of wonderful places to sneak off to for an afternoon rendezvous. I think a comfy mattress on the interior platform would be just the place for a nap en plein Read More...

Travels to New York City Via Instagram

October 21, 2013



It may be my backyard, but whenever I’m in New York City I like to view it as though I’m visiting it for the first time. Join me on a visual and virtual journey to one of my favorite cities. … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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