Best of 2014: Urban Gardens Top 10 Favorite Posts

December 30, 2014

UG collage 11

With the snap of the finger and the blink of an eye, another year comes to an end. What were a few of your favorite things? These ten blog posts apparently.

Here’s a glimpse of what your Urban Gardens community … Read More...

Design Journey: 10 Fab Pinterest Indoor and Outdoor Garden Finds

February 3, 2014

green wall italyBy Logica:architettura, found on the Pinterest board of Justin DiPiero Interior Designer, SCAD alumnus

I took a virtual design tour of visual discovery to see what Pinterest indoor and outdoor garden finds offered unique ideas and inspiration. Join me Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

Visit Robin Horton @UrbanGardens's profile on Pinterest.