April 21, 2010

Clitoria ternatea, Photo: Aruna at ml.wikipedia
Due to her uncanny similarity to the female body part, Clitoria Ternatea, a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family, has been used traditionally to cure sexual ailments like infertility and gonorrhea, control menstrual … Read More...
Category: Bulbs and Plants, Finding, Garden Design, Great Finds
Tags: bulbs, flowering plants, flowers, gardening, gardens, perennials
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June 8, 2009

Many of you out there, if you’ve not yet done so, yearn to grow something in your limited spaces. The challenge develops when, in addition to limited space, you also have limited resources, and for some hopeful gardeners, perceived limited … Read More...
Category: Container Gardening, Experiencing, Herb Gardens
Tags: black thumb, bulbs, containers, flowers, garden, gardening, green, green thumb, herb window boxes, herbs, organic, plant, planting, plants, pots., sage, seeds, soil, thumb, Water
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June 1, 2009

Plant this idea with your school or organization of choice: keep 50% of the pot and see your campaign grow as your donors watch their purchased bulbs and plants bloom. Flower Power Fundraising (1-800-223-8831) provides full-color brochures featuring detailed information … Read More...
Category: Bulbs and Plants, Container Gardening, Finding, Great Finds
Tags: bulbs, container garden, Container Gardening, flower power, flowers, fundraising, gardening, grow your own, plants
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