March 27, 2015

Perched atop rolling mobile gardens adorned with plants, insect hotels, branches, shells and more, a group of spirited young women and girls–Princesses of the Earth and Climate–paraded recently down Paris’s rue du Chemin Vert (which happens to translate … Read More...
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: agricultural bi-products, eco-art, ecological consciousness, environmental issues, International Women's Day, Le Petite Rockette, mobile gardens, Paris Label, Princesses of the Earth and Climate, seed diversity, sustainability, urban sustainability
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October 28, 2009

The National Resources Defense Council, NRDC, has announced its second annual Growing Green Awards to honor farmers, business leaders and promoters of sustainable food. A $10,000 cash prize will be awarded for extraordinary contributions that advance ecologically integrated farming practices, … Read More...
Category: Edible Landscaping, Green & Sustainable, Green Roofs, Greening, Irrigation, Permaculture, Urban Agriculture
Tags: ecological consciousness, environment, farm to fork, garden awards, gardening competitions, green, locally grown, organic, sustainability, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming, sustainable food systems, sustainable resources, urban farming
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September 3, 2009

The upcoming film, WHAT’S ORGANIC ABOUT “ORGANIC?” rings the alarm for the need to develop an ecological consciousness. The film illustrates that the organic food debate extends well beyond personal choice and into the realm of social responsibility.
Each of …
Category: Experiencing
Tags: eco-label, ecological consciousness, gardening, green, organic agriculture, organic farming, organic food debate, organic gardening, organic urban gardens, sustainable
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