December 3, 2014

Drumroll! It’s that time of year and we’re excited to present our 2014 holiday gift guide, a curated list of 12 fun, functional, and fashionable items for home and garden. Have you been naughty or nice? No matter, we’re not … Read More...
Category: Finding
Tags: Authentic Haven Brand, bees, Crown Bees, Eartheasy, Garda Dibble, Garden Magazine, garden tools, Garden Trolly, Gift Guides, gifts, Gifts for Bee Lovers, Gifts for Gardeners, hanging planters, Hardwood Planter, holiday, holiday gifts, Manure Tea, Mason Bee, MODgreen, My Garden Posts, Pith + Vigor, planters, Potted, Raised Bed Vegetable Garden, RedHed, Seed Planting, sustainable, TerraTrellis, The Little Acre, trellis, Vertical Gardens
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June 29, 2012

You might enjoy growing your own vegetables, or maybe just wearing them.

Design your own wearable salad with this healthy set of eight tasty temporary vegetable tattoos created by Julia Rothman for Tattly™.

Set includes Broccoli, Corn, Tomato, Green Beans, …
Category: Finding
Tags: Garden Art, gifts, tattoos
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December 6, 2011

I’m so excited to share these hand picked eco-friendly and well designed goodies from my holiday wish list! I’ve selected mostly experiential gifts–creative things that your friends and family can do with their own hands. How about … Read More...
Category: Birds, Bees, and Butterflies, Books, Bulbs and Plants, Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Edible Landscaping, Finding, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Hydroponics, No-Dig Gardening, Square-Foot Gardening, Terrariums, Urban Agriculture, Vertical Gardens
Tags: children's gifts, garden gifts, gardening kits, gifts, holiday guide
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