November 23, 2012

Perfect for small urban kitchen gardens or those with limited outdoor space, Pod is a fogponic indoor gardening system for cultivating herbs and vegetables.

Similar to hydroponic gardening, the fogponic “plug-and-play” growing system automatically distributes nutrients and water as … Read More...
Category: Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Finding, Herb Gardens, Hydroponics, Urban Agriculture
Tags: fogponics, herb gardening, indoor gardening, kitchen gardening
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February 17, 2010

Swedish Designer Hanna Sandström has teamed up with Green Fortune and Whirlpool to create a mini hydroponic fridge kitchen garden. Huh? That’s what I said. The claim is that by providing light, temperature, space, moisture, nutrition, and water, the fridge-cum-kitchen … Read More...
Category: Edible Landscaping, Green & Sustainable, Greening, Herb Gardens, Hydroponics, No-Dig Gardening, Urban Agriculture
Tags: herb gardening, hydroponic potager, kitchen gardening, urban gardens
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