Green Development Does Dallas

May 19, 2010

Scheduled to break ground in early 2011, Forwarding Dallas, the product of a collaboration between Portuguese-based architectural firms Atelier Data and Moov, will run “off the grid,” acting as a working model of sustainability for cities around the globe.Read More...

Park Yourself by the Brooklyn Bridge

February 26, 2010

I’m looking forward to this spring, when a portion of the future 85-acre Brooklyn Bridge Park at Pier 6 is scheduled to open, followed by Pier 1 scheduled to open this winter, with the entire project expected to be completed Read More...

It Takes A Village to Farm a Rooftop

January 10, 2010


In a village outside of Hyderabad, South India, Nagamani and Swathi, sisters attending Women’s Education Project’s Ushassu program, climb to their flat roof to collect vegetables for the families’ dinner.

Picking tomatoes and beans, they discuss how this small garden, … Read More...

Urban Green Spaces Cultivate Productive Kids

September 10, 2009

Kalib Lee harvesting vegetables from the garden on 55th Street between Haverford Avenue and Line Street on Thursday. He and other Veggie Kids offer their produce to neighbors in West Philadelphia’s Haddington section for $1 a bag. Photo by Bonnie

The Full (Green) Cleveland

July 6, 2009


How green is…Cleveland? Cleveland, Ohio is commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Cuyahoga River fire by celebrating the re-birth of a much greener city. The fire occurred on June 22, 1969 when some molten steel fell from a passing train … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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