December 14, 2014

In the hands of Parsons School of Design grads, Miriam Josi and Stella Lee Prowse, a local sail maker’s post-production sailcloth waste and scrap boat covers have been reborn as planters. Not just planters, but portable flat-folding, space-saving babes that … Read More...
Category: Container Gardening, Containers and Pots, Finding, Great Finds, Green & Sustainable, Herb Gardens, Indoor Gardening, Sky Planters, Vertical Gardens
Tags: green design, Miriam Josi, Nomad, planter, planters, plants, recycle, Repurpose, reuse, Sailboat, Stella Lee Prowse, upcycled, upcycled design
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February 12, 2013

Within pages of the literary canon, gardens endure for eternity. Think Romeo and Juliet’s garden of the Capulet or the orchard garden in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.
And literature grows into a garden inside a forested area at Les Jardins … Read More...
Category: Garden Tourism, Green & Sustainable, Greening, Reclaimed & Recycled
Tags: experimental gardens, Garden Art, Garden Design, garden exhibitions, garden tourism, garden walls, mushrooms, natural artifacts, upcycled design
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June 11, 2010

Repurpose your old old incandescent light bulbs into planters with the Potus Pot. Designed by Natalia Hojman and Angeles Estrada Vigil, the Potus Pot transforms a burnt-out light bulb into a bud-growing vase by removing the filaments and making … Read More...
Category: Containers and Pots, Green & Sustainable, Green Gadgets, Greening, Reclaimed & Recycled
Tags: DIY projects, housewares, recycled garden accessories, repurposed materials, upcycled design, upcycled products
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