Is your city participating in the National Community Gardening Week August 23-29?

August 15, 2009


Community and urban gardens are an important component of making sustainable communities. The National Community Gardening Week is an opportunity for your local government to show support by publicly promoting community gardens August 23 – 29.

According to the Department

Top 10 Vegetables for the Urban Garden

August 14, 2009


With the gardening season in full-swing, many urban gardeners are beginning to plan next year’s garden. With the national economic recession still lingering, many urbanites are in their first year of gardening, or planning their first garden for next year.  … Read More...

Small Footprint, Big Yield: Create an Easy Micro Organic Urban Garden Today!

April 28, 2009


There are two things urban gardeners are short on: space and time.  The Urban Garden, brainchild of Bill Arquitt, resolves both of these issues, making it efficient and simple to plant a vegetable garden with up to 55 plants … Read More...

The freshest innovative and eco-friendly designs, trends, and ideas for urban gardens and stylish small places.

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